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Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

in the tradition of Franklyn Sills


A field that emerged out of the tradition of Osteopathy, BCST is an evolving form of holistic bodywork that creates a gently negotiated supportive space for clients. In this receptive holding environment, energy caught up in reflexive protective states can be freed and shift towards integration and renewed vitality.


The BCST practitioner orients to the health that centers us in the midst of life's conditionality. Attentional distance is discussed with the client, who is supported to come into contact with their own felt sense as a resource unto itself. Settling beyond nervous system states of activation, a holistic liquid-tissue state is accessed, wherein the parasympathetic nervous system can do its recuperative work. Listening deeply to subtle rhythms and motions in the body, the practitioner is drawn to specific areas that are supported to integrate. 


After sessions clients may have increased mobility, sensation, balance, ease and over a number of sessions can come into contact with deep feelings of well-being, empowerment and interconnectedness.

At the physiological level craniosacral works with the autonomic nervous system, as the practitioner listens carefully to natural modulations between more active and passive states and functions. Through session work these polarizing evolutionarily based systems, which inhibit each other (creating tendencies for one to be more available than the other), can re-regulate their interactions and deepen into an integrated and more full expression of both.


BCST supports all expressions of the parasympathetic nervous system such as digestion, sleep, social engagement and grounding in general.


Healthy and clear expressions of the sympathetic nervous system can help with depression, establishing clear boundaries, learning to reach out for support and attachment in general.


Arterial, venous and lymph flow to previously compensated areas can be improved.


A series of BCST sessions are often helpful in cases of:


  • Whiplash, physical injury, effects of surgeries

  • Chronic pain

  • Digestive issues

  • Anxiety, depression

  • Postural Imbalances

  • Relational/developmental trauma

  • Emotional/physical abuse

  • Birth trauma, early experience

  • Consciousness around dissociative tendencies



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